
Sunday, September 20, 2015

Tangram Cookies

Tangram cookies are fun for all! Because, who doesn't love cookies, and tangram cookies can keep you entertained for a long time  - as long as you don't eat the cookies before you get to play with them!

You will need a tangram cookie cutter. The awesome owners of ReadyShapes (an Etsy shop) sent me some cookie cutters. Thank you Ready Shapes! They have a 3D printer, and can print basically anything you want for you, including logos! It really is amazing, and they have so many cookie cutters to choose from. Please check them out! 

You need to find a cookie recipe that will not raise too much. I used this recipe, but the dough still rose and spread out. 

I cut the cookies after they had cooled, with the same cookie cutter, to get crisp clean edges. It worked so well, that I might consider making a cookie bar next time, and just cutting them out after the bars bake.

Next, you will need to frost them. I put this off for a while, because I wanted to flood them, but the royal icing is so much work. I was so excited when I found this cookie glaze recipe, and it was easy to make, and worked so well!

You can make any color you want, and it dries smooth in just a few minutes!

Next step is to put your cookie cutters together in as many shape combinations as you can! My favorite source for lots of shapes is HERE.

Thanks for stopping by!

Have a Happy and Creative Day!


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