Each kid got a pouch to wear around their neck, to put their dried off gold in. It had a list of what they were going to do.
This is how the other side of the yard looked before the party started
As soon as the kids arrived, they got suited up, and ran around chasing each other with their guns. It was a great pass-time while waiting for everyone to arrive. They were SO cute!
The real surprise of the day, was when COWBOY CLINT arrived with his horse!!! The kids were SO EXCITED to see a real cowboy!!! They got to pet and feed the horse.

Cowboy Clint told the kids that good cowboys and cowgirls always mind their parents! I hope it sunk in :)Cowboy Clint showed the kids the horse shoe, and explained how horses have an extra "heart" that helps pump blood up the legs. I never knew that!
Thank you COWBOY CLINT!!!
You're the BEST!!!
The kids will NEVER forget that a REAL COWBOY came to the party!
You made Bubby's whole day!
On to the games...
The kids got to take turns tossing a snake into a bucket. Everyone liked it more than I thought. Even the girls ;)
Panning for gold was the hit of the day, as far as the games went! The kids LOVED it. We had about 15 minutes after we finished everything up, for the kids to play before their parents came to pick them up, and most of them chose to pan for gold. My son keeps asking when we can go to California to look for gold!!! How cute :)
They all ran to get their presents! I love how cute kids are, and how they get so excited to give gifts to each other.
They sat around the campfire to open presents, while listening to, "Sweet Home Alabama," in the background.
You may also want to look at:
{Part 1 - The Holster}
{Part 2 - Panning for Gold}
{Part 3 - Sawhorse Horse}
{Part 4 - Party Favors}
{Part 5 - The Food}
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