First Things First...
The winner of the
9 Day Halloween Advent Calendar is:
Thank you for all your entries! I feel so loved :)
Charon, who said: I am a huge studio 5 fan. I had a miracle baby at 44 after being told I would never have children. So I am getting started late at all of this crafting for children. I absolutely love your advent calendar. I hope I win. I have enjoyed reading your blog and will be a frequent visitor to your site. I love creative people!!!
Charon, please e-mail me, so I can get your contact info, and get the calendar sent to you as soon as possible!
Second Things Second...
Spooking up my porch for Halloween is a bit of a process. I wanted to share one aspect of it with you today - my pillows.
When I saw this * NOTE - I just got the updated infor from the seller, and the image is available at her etsy store. Just click the green "this"* witch silhouette on etsy, I knew I had to use it! So, as not to offend anyone, I have to tell you that I paid for it. I didn't include that info in the original post, but it seems people are worried I didn't. It was $3.50ish, maybe $3.49. I purchased it on August 29, 2010. I would not be advertising the image if I didn't pay for it. I thought it would be nice to send business to the etsy store where I purchased the silhouette. Anyway, that said... I have been wanting to make cute covers for my porch pillows for Halloween for a while. Fun fabric and a cute Halloween silhouette...? The perfect combination! Here is the process. I have added the "Trick Or Treat" wording (which I created myself) in printable form at the bottom for you!!!

***Another update***
After a number of questions about it, I thought I better post this... I got the fabric at JoAnne's. It is a thicker decorator type fabric, but it was regularly I think $10 a yard. I think I got it for $6 or $7. On the side, it says "Original Copyright Design by Mill Creek Fabrics." I live in Utah, and got it at the Centerville store towards the back. Hope that helps :) So, the lady that won the calendar also made the pillows, and gave the suggestion of putting buttons on the pillow to make the silhouette interchangeable for the different holidays. I thought that was SO SMART (You could also use velcro or snaps so you couldn't see anything!) She said she had already found a fun Christmas silhouette. Charon... you're brilliant! Thanks for the suggestion!
9 Day Halloween Advent Calendar is:
Thank you for all your entries! I feel so loved :)
Charon, who said: I am a huge studio 5 fan. I had a miracle baby at 44 after being told I would never have children. So I am getting started late at all of this crafting for children. I absolutely love your advent calendar. I hope I win. I have enjoyed reading your blog and will be a frequent visitor to your site. I love creative people!!!
Charon, please e-mail me, so I can get your contact info, and get the calendar sent to you as soon as possible!
Second Things Second...
Spooking up my porch for Halloween is a bit of a process. I wanted to share one aspect of it with you today - my pillows.
When I saw this * NOTE - I just got the updated infor from the seller, and the image is available at her etsy store. Just click the green "this"* witch silhouette on etsy, I knew I had to use it! So, as not to offend anyone, I have to tell you that I paid for it. I didn't include that info in the original post, but it seems people are worried I didn't. It was $3.50ish, maybe $3.49. I purchased it on August 29, 2010. I would not be advertising the image if I didn't pay for it. I thought it would be nice to send business to the etsy store where I purchased the silhouette. Anyway, that said... I have been wanting to make cute covers for my porch pillows for Halloween for a while. Fun fabric and a cute Halloween silhouette...? The perfect combination! Here is the process. I have added the "Trick Or Treat" wording (which I created myself) in printable form at the bottom for you!!!
***Another update***
After a number of questions about it, I thought I better post this... I got the fabric at JoAnne's. It is a thicker decorator type fabric, but it was regularly I think $10 a yard. I think I got it for $6 or $7. On the side, it says "Original Copyright Design by Mill Creek Fabrics." I live in Utah, and got it at the Centerville store towards the back. Hope that helps :) So, the lady that won the calendar also made the pillows, and gave the suggestion of putting buttons on the pillow to make the silhouette interchangeable for the different holidays. I thought that was SO SMART (You could also use velcro or snaps so you couldn't see anything!) She said she had already found a fun Christmas silhouette. Charon... you're brilliant! Thanks for the suggestion!
What you'll need:
1) Iron Transfer Paper (I used Avery Light Fabric Transfers 81/2X11)
2) Fabric to transfer the image onto
3) Silhouette of your choice (There are tons out there from esty, and free ones on google images)
4) Pillow Fabric
5) 9X12 sheet of white felt to go behind the image if the fabric is sheer
6) Felt for the back
7) Thread, Scissors, Iron
1) Print the image on the transfer paper, and iron to fabric, as per directions on the label.
1) Iron Transfer Paper (I used Avery Light Fabric Transfers 81/2X11)
2) Fabric to transfer the image onto
3) Silhouette of your choice (There are tons out there from esty, and free ones on google images)
4) Pillow Fabric
5) 9X12 sheet of white felt to go behind the image if the fabric is sheer
6) Felt for the back
7) Thread, Scissors, Iron
1) Print the image on the transfer paper, and iron to fabric, as per directions on the label.
2) Lay the liner felt behind the image. I did this so the image fabric would look dimensional. You could iron the image onto thicker fabric, fray the edges, and just sew it to the top fabric if you want a more rustic look.
3) Fold in sides.
3) Pin and top stitch onto front of pillow fabric.
4) Envelope sew the pieces of felt onto the back. I used felt so I wouldn't have to finish any edges. To make an envelope for the back, cut two pieces the same width as the front of the pillow, and half the length plus two inches (so they will overlap horizontally in back). Attach one at a time, and sew in place. Pieces will overlap. This is the best (and easiest) way to make a pillow ever!!!
5) Trim all the excess thread and turn right side out. See how the edges are raw, but won't fray? Love it!
6) Now you have it... the perfect Halloween Pillow for any decor!!!
Added bonus... I made this printable, and thought you might like to use it as well. The writing is already backwards to be used for iron transfer paper. Please feel free to use it, and tell your friends about it!
What else is coming this week...?
A Halloween Banner
That is different from any you have seen before
for my
(A little over the top, I know. But, you might want one after you see it!!!)
Wishing you a Happy and Creative Day!
<3 href="">

Today's Creative Blog

A Halloween Banner
That is different from any you have seen before
for my
(A little over the top, I know. But, you might want one after you see it!!!)
Wishing you a Happy and Creative Day!
<3 href="">

Today's Creative Blog

Thank you for sparking my imagination. I have been looking for inexpensive decorating ideas for my new babies blessing. Now I know exactly what I am going to do...silhouette's! I'm so excited to get started. Thanks again!!!
Those pillows are SO delightful it's scary! hahaha - Love them.
Awesome!!! Great idea. I want to make some for my living room.
Your silhouette pillows are darling, but as someone who sells silhouette products on etsy and elsewhere, most of those images are definitely not free to use. Certainly some of them have used clip art that is available freely, but many artists, myself included, have worked very hard to create original art and derive our livelihood from the sale of it.
Hey Risa!
Thanks for your sweet comment on my blog! That contest was making me crazy, I am super glad that its over! If you ever make it down south let me know and we will totally go to the DI!
love your guts
congrats to the very deserving winner! :) and thanks for the tutorial for your pillows... they are awesome! <3
Dear Angela,
I happily paid for the witch silhouette, and posted the link so others could do the same :)I think it was around $3.50 for the image, and it was well worth it. I visited your store, and your things are DARLING! What a great idea to do personalized silhouettes for Halloween! Love it! I have found some free ones on google images, but I definitely like the etsy ones better.
These are beautiful pillows! And I do think well worth paying for such a delightful image-very detailed and beautiful. Amy
Love the pillows. I may have to find the time to make a few.
Mel again. Thanks for the email. Didn't know how to email you back, so I'm commenting again. Glad you remember's been a while ;). Love your blog, love your crafts. I don't fb, haven't been bitten by the bug yet. Hope you are well.
The pillows are adorable!
Hey!! No shame in your etsy purchase. It keeps us in business! :)
I think the pillows are awesome!!
Heather From and Mommy Only Has Two Hands! and Lynhea Designs
Following from New Friend Friday!
Heather From and Mommy Only Has Two Hands! and Lynhea Designs
Very cute and elegant pillows! Love the fabrics you chose.
Following you now from Feature Yourself Friday. Please follow back!
I love these pillows!!
Those look fabulous! Gorgeous fabric choices too. :)
I love these!!! Such a great and simple idea. I am your newest follower (just found you through tatertots & jello.)
I adore the witch!!!
Fun pillows, thanks for sharing the how-to. They look so classy with the cute fabric.
Okay, I posted a cmoment on this before but I can't stop thinking about that black and white fabric! Do you know where you got it from? I particularly love the one from the witch silhouette pillow. :)
Thank you!
Another great idea! Thanks for sharing this one on Thrilling Thursdays @ Paisley Passions too!
I can't get these pillows out of my mind.
Could you tell us where you bought the witch from? I went on the Etsy shop and couldn't find her. I love her! With this type of advertising you just gave the owner she should reimburse your purchase, now that is some great advertising you just gave!
Also, please forgive me for my ignorance, but how do you download the Trick or Treat? I am stumped! I REALLY want to make these pillows!
Great work and great tutorial!
Hi Jeanine,
Thank you for your comment and inquiry :) I just e-mailed the seller for an eta for when she will have the image back in her store. I will leave another comment when/if I hear from her. Her blog shop is: She does have a cute witch there that is a little different, but darling!
I have found another sight with similar images: or, you could go to
As far as printing the trick or treat, all you need to do is click on it. That will bring only the image to the page, and you can print from there. I would do a practice print on regular paper first. If you do a print preview, you can see how it will fit on the page. If you want to adjust the size, you can right click on the image, hit copy, and then past it into a program like word ect. Then right click in word or whatever you are using, and hit paste. You should then be able to size the image.
Thanks for your kind words, and good luck! I would love to see your finished pillows :)
Hi Jeanine,
The link is now updated and correct. Just click the green *this* in the post, and you will be taken to the store and the image :)
THANK YOU! I drove all the way down the mountain (1.5 hours one way!)just to get the "similar" materials you have on your pillow. That is how crazy I am over it!
I am so pleased to have you put your information on your comments. I am new to crafting and I need to be held by the hand sometimes. (I even have a Silhouette machine, NOW that is a struggle!) I feel as though I am standing outside of a roller rink and watching everyone swish past me. At least I do have rental skates on, he he)
Now to re read what you just wrote and wish me luck! Did I tell you that I just started sewing, too? It's time that I start doing creative things.
You are a sweetheart!
I love you fabric choice. Do you remember what store you got it from?
I love it, the black and white is gorgeous and your grouping of two is so lovely. Thanks for sharing with us at A Crafty Soiree! Please join us next time too!
Great pillows I love these! AWESOME! Thanks for linking this up!
Hey! Just wanted to let you know that I featured you today on FTF! Thanks for linking, and grab a Featured button if you would like!
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