Sunday, May 1, 2011

Dessert Sushi Tutorial

Remember the
Japanese Birthday Party
I threw for my daughter?

Well... here is the dessert sushi tutorial.

Dessert Sushi is SUPER EASY to make! Anyone can do it, and you don't have to bake anything!


You will need:

Powder donuts (mini)
Juju Fish (They come in a multicolored pack, but I used just orange.)
Fruit Roll-ups

Cut the donuts in half, as to create a half circle.
Set fish on top of donuts.
Cut Fruit Roll-up in 1/2 inch strips with scissors.
Wrap fruit strip around fish and donuts.

Easy Peasy & SUPER cute!!!


You will need:

Ho Hos
Gummy Worms

Cut Ho Hos in 3rds.
Cut gummies in 1 inch sections, then cut each section in 3rds long way.
Stuff gummies in the middle of each Ho Ho.

Dessert Sushi is super easy, fun to do, and is even something you can make with your kids!
The bright colors are sure to please any crowd every time!


Events DEE-signed said...

Thanks for the tutorials. Great timing!! I am going to make a sushi dessert table for a friend of mine, and was just going to use the pictures I had found and guess what was in them. This will make it a little easier for me!!

Jennifer Interiors said...

Hey Risa, How are things? Great ideas. I gained 10 lbs just reading them. They look yummy.

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