I decided it would be fun to make a Halloween terrarium this year, and ... OH MY, did it turn out CUTE!
All the supplies came from
Have you been there? It is my favorite nursery, the largest producing nursery in Utah. Their gift shop is AMAZING!!! You would have to see it to believe it! I went in hoping to get a couple fairy sized items, and HIT THE FAIRY HALLOWEEN JACKPOT! They have a huge selection of Fairy Garden Halloween items, in addition to a fun and unique selection of other Halloween decor.
In addition to this, they have the fairy garden section, and whole area with fall and Thanksgiving decor. They also have a huge selection of non holiday items. That was just the gift shop! The nursery portion of J & J is massive and beautiful as well. You really must visit!
Before we get started with this tutorial. I want to tell you my favorite things about this project... Besides how adorable it is.
1) It is alive, and who doesn't want fresh living plants in their home?
2) After you are finished with Halloween, the small decor items don't take up much room, and you can store them very easily. Which is great, considering the big visual impact they create when the piece is put together.
3) After Halloween is over, you can use the plants for something else in your home.
4) It is so versatile! You can change it every year, and even put the items in a flower pot on your porch, or in your flower beds the next year. It is almost an heirloom piece, as it is so unique.
Okay, on to the tutorial:
You will need some sort of wooden container, weather it is an old drawer, or a crate. The one I used came from J & J. You will need coco liner. It comes on a roll, and you can cut off as much as you think you will need for your container. Also from J & J.
You need dirt, from your yard, or you can buy it. You need a piece of fencing from the fairy house section. This piece is $7.98, and is probably the most important part. It makes everything stay together, and really gives it that unexpected feel that makes this project so fun.
The first thing you need to do, is set your container on top of the piece of coco liner, and cut or tear the the edges so you can fold them in when you put the liner in the box. I started out cutting the liner, and found that tearing was actually easier - messier, but easier.
Next, put your coco liner in the container. You might find that you need to tear a little more to make it fit. Fold the sides in like a gift box. You will probably need to tear off some of the excess from the side flaps, so it doesn't overlap. Now, you can staple or hot glue your liner to your container. I used hot glue for this part.
Line the front of your coco liner with moss.This next step is the most important. Place your metal fairy fence over the top of the moss.
YOU NEED TO STAPLE the fence down on the sides, with a powerful stapler. This will insure the integrity of the piece, and keep the dirt and everything inside the box.
After you have secured the fence, go ahead and fill the container you have created with dirt. Now comes the fun part... Plants and decor. Lets start with the plants. J & J has the most amazing selection of succulents, ornamental peppers and mini grasses I have ever seen! Each of these plants is perfect for Halloween! You can decide what you want.
See how they look planted? Too cute!
Next, pick a floral pic! I loved the simplicity of the black, but they have all sorts of colors and styles to choose from. This one is wired, so I could form it how ever I wanted. It is $6.98.
I love how it looks like a haunted tree!
These fairy items are just too fun! I recommend getting the package they have put together. It costs $40.98. It is a bit of an investment, but like I said... Heirloom piece.
This is what you get.
You can buy additional pieces like these, and more of what comes in the package above, like the candy corns.
Look how CUTE it all looks together!!!

I have to say... The little robot man really makes the whole thing! My son dressed as a robot for Halloween a few years back, and I died when I saw this character. I had to have him!
I love him, and his scarred little eyes!
Next, just start arranging and rearranging, until you find a display you like. I left my plants in their pots, because I wanted to be able to easily pull them out, and use them for something else after the season is over.
I love the 3D effect of the witch legs sticking out of the front of the container - ADORABLE!
I hope you are feeling a little inspired today. You can make this project! It is fun and easy, and will be a memorable holiday piece in your home, for years to come!
Thanks for stopping by. If you like what you see, please leave a comment, and head to J&J. You will be so glad you did!
Have a Happy and Creative Day!
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