Sunday, April 24, 2011

Easter Dinner, Carrot Rolls & Resurrection Rolls

When my friend Candy called the other day, and asked if I had ever seen these CUTE carrots, I knew I had to try them. The original recipe is found here.

The recipe says you need a cream horn. We didn't know what that was. Candy called a few stores, and found them at Orson Gygi in Salt Lake City, UT. We were in the minivan, and on the road to get them ten minutes later.

You can also find them HERE (affiliate link).

The recipe calls for wrapping crescent rolls around the cream horn. I happened to have Rhodes Bake and Serve in the freezer, so I used that instead. It looks kind of sick in the picture, but I painted egg yolks mixed with orange dye on the rolls.

They were ready to bake, and I just used the instructions on the back of the bag.

The recipe called for dill toppers, but I had lettuce. I thought it was cute anyway!

I filled them with egg salad sandwich filling. The kids were impressed, and they are getting one for lunch tomorrow.


My brothers always made these growing up, and called them, "vanishing rolls.," because the marshmallow vanishes. They baked them in muffin tins. I just baked them on a cookie sheet. All you do, is flatten roll dough. Roll a marshmallow in butter, and sprinkle in cinnamon sugar. Put the marshmallow in the center of the dough, and pinch all the sides shut around the marshmallow. Roll in butter again, and sprinkle in cinnamon. Bake according to package directions.

Just like the garden tomb, the rolls were empty. They were a great opening for our Easter lesson prepared by my parents.

I had to include a pic of my man, and sweet baby in their Easter clothes. Well, Rhett was done, and about to go down for a nap. But... his outfit was so cute! My hubby is cute too :)

Happy Easter All!


Friday, April 8, 2011

"RESSURECTING" Easter, part 3

Bring a little Easter fun into your kids rooms for under $2!

I had to share this again. My kids were so excited when they saw these garlands when we opened the Easter box this year!

I love decorating my kids rooms for every holiday, and Easter is no exception. I thought I would make this quick garland for each one of their beds. This is SO easy. You can do it with your kids. They will love it! I know they are a bit cheesy, but it's a kids room, and they love it! The best part... I spent about $4 for both projects!!!

To do this project, you will need:

1) Plastic Eggs
2) Plastic Carrots (I got mine from Dollar Tree - 8 for $1!)
3) Thick floss, you can find in any craft store. Thicker than thread, and thinner than twine.
4) Hemp or twine. I got mine from the dollar store also. (You could do ribbon, rope, or lace... the possibilities are endless!)
5) Scissors

Cut floss in about 7 inch lengths.
Tie around carrot top with a double knot.
Tie a bow above the carrot.

Thread floss through each egg, starting and ending on the outside. You can use any of the holes, and really get creative with how you hang them!

Tie a bow on top, leaving a large enough loop to be able to thread the twine through.

Place the carrots and eggs in whatever pattern you like. and thread them on the twine!

A couple variations could include threading beads onto the twine in between the carrots and eggs, and gluing buttons, stickers, letters or other embellishments on the eggs. You could personalize it, or keep it simple.

This is a SUPER easy and inexpensive project that adds color and fun to any room. You will be done in no time! We are talking INSTANT gratification!

Thursday, April 7, 2011

"RESURRECTING" Easter, Part 2

Do you remember my Easter Advent Calendar from last year? I tried to make it all about service.

I had the same idea this year, but I happened to be in Target the other day, and saw all their Easter themed toys. I couldn't resist picking up a few. Luckily this calendar only has 12 pockets!

Here are a few things that are in the pockets. The photos aren't the best, because this hangs in my hall, and I have a hard time getting the right lighting, and angles!

Is it weird to put Sponge Bob in a religious themed pocket? Probably...

I am a sucker for cute wind up toys!

Bunny nose pops!

The kids were very happy! We have been doing a prize every other day, and they have been so happy to get to have fun new things to play with over Spring break. I prefer giving them holiday themed toys before hand, so they can play with them, and they can be put away shortly after the holiday is over. Besides... anticipation is half the fun! Right?

If you want to make one of these, the tutorial is here. This year, I saw a bunch of cute Easter themed felt stickers at Michael's.

Have Happy & Creative Day!


Wednesday, April 6, 2011


It's movie night tonight, and I decided to make SUGARED POPCORN! This is super easy. My mom used to always make it for us when I was growing up. So, I decided to make some for tonight. Isn't it PRETTY?!? The thing I LOVE about SUGARED POPCORN, is it's not sticky, and not very messy.


1 stick butter (real butter)
2 cups sugar
1/2 tsp salt
1/2 cup water
Whatever food coloring and flavoring you want.
You can test the flavor as you go.

Bring all ingredients to a boil over medium to high heat, stirring constantly. Boil for two minutes. Remove from heat, and pour over two batches of popped popcorn. Stir to ensure all kernels are coated, and the sugar appears dry. Enjoy!

The flavors I made are:

Cinnamon (pink)
Almond (blue)
My mom always dyed the almond blue.
Orange (orange)

These are pretty much the only flavors I had on hand today.

You can tell I made the orange first? Lot's of it is already gone :)

Have a Yummy & Creative Day!


Tuesday, April 5, 2011

"RESURRECTING" Easter, part 1

So, I started my blog in mid-March of 2010 (just over a year ago), and my first posts were about Easter. I had no followers at the time, and don't know if many of my current readers got to see any of my Easter posts. This month, I am going to bring back the posts I feel are the most fun for Easter. I hope you'll bear with me. This post was featured at Tatertots and Jello. Jen was so nice, and featured me before I even knew I could link up projects I had done to her weekend wrap up party. It was my very first feature. Thanks Jen!

I got this idea from my friend Kami to make a huge carrot for my front door, and I just couldn't wait. I didn't want to spend a ton of money, as I didn't even know if it would work or not. I looked around the house to see what I had, and this is what I found.

If you are going to do this project, you will need:

1 piece foam core
Masking or duct tape
Popsicle sticks
Orange Burlap
Green tulle
Green pipe-cleaners
Decorative ribbon

1) Cut foam core in 1/2 lengthwise, then to desired size and shape.
2) Hook foam core together with Popsicle sticks and tape at center seam.

3) Cut burlap strips into desired width and length.

4) Wrap burlap around carrot form, and attach with tape in back.
(You could glue. I was out of glue sticks, so I taped, and it is holding very well.)
5) Poke hole in the top with a knife.

6) Thread pipe-cleaner through hole and make a knot.
Depending on how long you want it to hang, you may want to attach another pipe-cleaner, and make a place at the top for the whole thing to hang. I made a circle out of the pipe-cleaner.
7) Fold tulle in 1/2, and tape it to the back. Wrap and tuck it around the pipe-cleaner.
8) Print off the sign, and mount in on whatever paper you like.
9) Attach it to a ribbon, and hang the sign on the carrot.

Feel free to print this sign.

I hope you enjoyed my first "resurrected," Easter project!

Have a Hoppy and Creative Day!

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