Thursday, March 10, 2016

Mini Easter Gardens on Studio 5

Today on Studio 5, I shared dead for mini Easter/Spring gardens. The following are links to the exact project.

Thanks for stopping by.

Have a Happy and Creative Day!


Table Top Succulent Garden

I had so much fun creating the mini Easer succulent and cacti gardens, that I decided to do it on a larger scale.

I followed the same pattern I used for making Easter Succulent gardens, but added more plants in the same container. Its really beautiful, no matter the angle in the room.

 You can see I also added stones, crystals, beads, a geode, and moss to the mix. It's kind of like fun surprises everywhere you look.

My daughter wanted one for her birthday, and this is hers.

This is how they looked on today's Studio 5.

Thanks for stopping by.

Have a Happy and Creative Day!


Resurrection Mini Garden

This is the sweet little resurrection garden I shared on Studio 5 today. 

To make your own, use a plater or a plate, lay a small cup on its side. I used one form a succulent plant that I had planter earlier that day. Cover with soil.

Lay moss over the top. None of this is alive, so that's  awesome (no maintenance). It also comes together really quickly, and would be perfect for a religious lesson on Easter.

I hot glued stones to the cup to look like the entrance to the tomb, and my mom found me a great rock to use as if it had been rolled away to reveal an empty tomb. 

This is how it looked on the show. 

Thanks for stopping by.

Have a Happy and Creative Day!


Wheat Grass

Today on Studio 5, I shared my new favorite way to grow wheat grass... On a paper towel!

This process takes 11 days. 

Soak your wheat in water for 24-48 hours. 
(I use white wheat. The same wheat I use for baking bread.)

Get 3 layers of paper towels wet, and lay them in the bottom of the container you plan to grow your wheat grass in.

Get 2 more layers of wet paper towels, and place over the top of the wheat.
Spray with a water bottle multiple times throughout the day, and make sure they are moist at all times.

Once the wheat starts to sprout, remove the top layer of paper towel, and continue to spritz with water to maintain moisture.

This is a comparison picture of the soil and the paper towel method on day 5. You can see the wheat grass on the paper towel is doing way better much earlier.

The roots will grow into the paper towels like this.

This is a comparison of paper towel grass and soil grass on day 8.

Paper towel grass.

Soil grass.

On day 11, you can trim the top of the wheat to an even level, and cut around the bottom, to make the shape of the container you plan to use for display. One thing I really like about it, is that you can put it on a plate, and it looks clean, and there is no soil to deal with. It's really pretty!

Thanks for stopping by.

Have a Happy and Creative Day!


Spring and Easter Gardens

Today on Studio 5, I am sharing mini Easter gardens. These are the examples I brought.

They are fun to place all around your home in the spring. They bring life into your home, with a subtle nod to Easter.

First, spray paint your eggs to the color of your liking. I prefer gold. I got my eggs for $.99 each from Michael's.

I put one succulent in each of the gold eggs, and filled in with dirt. 

The key with these, is to add lots of moss variety. You can fin moss anywhere from Walmart to any craft store. I got little clear easter eggs at Hobby Lobby, and put dirt, moss, and a bunny inside. It was extra adorable.

They are charming and adorable! Once Easter if over, the succulents and cacti can be replanted in a different container. 

This is how they looked on the show.

Thanks for stopping by.

Have a Happy and Creative Day!


Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Louie The Leprechaun Book and Stuffed Leprechaun review

St. Patricks  Day was the most fun at my house, growing up. The leprechauns would turn milk green, and sometimes do other mischievious things. Nothing like the naughty elf that visits at Christmas... It was just fun to go to bed the night before St. Patricks Day, and wake up to things in the wrong place, and things died green, toilet water included. Our Leprechauns were awesome! I always wondered how they did it all, and why. 

This darling little book was sent to me by the folks at 
It explains the whole thing, and comes with the most darling little stuffed leprechaun, named Louie!

This book is sweet, and engaging. My son was enthralled! We opened the package together, and he was so excited. He almost burst! We read the book together, and then he insisted on, "reading," it to me six more times. Louie did not leave his side for a whole day, and I finally had to put him out of reach so he was still in great condition for this post, incase I needed anymore pictures. He asked to sleep with Louie! He will get to now. I can't wait to tel him.

Every day, he asks me when the leprechauns are coming. There is something about having a fun toy and book set to really bring the magic to life for a child.

If you are looking for a fun, sweet, and low maintenance tradition to start for your family, check out Loiue The Leprechaun
I think this will become a beloved tradition for our family. I only wish I had it for the big kids when they were young!

Thanks for stopping by.

Have a Happy and Creative Day!


Faux Fur Stool DIY Studio 5 Segment

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