The family is heading out for a road trip to
You know how I like to try to make road trips fun and memorable?
(If not, you can check out my travel kit HERE.)
Well, I am way excited for the MOON theme!!!
This is a fun little package I came up with for the kids...
You know how I like to try to make road trips fun and memorable?
(If not, you can check out my travel kit HERE.)
Well, I am way excited for the MOON theme!!!
This is a fun little package I came up with for the kids...
Instead of letting them pick treats at gas stations,
I thought I would pack it all, and have it be themed.
Here is what I packed.
I forgot to include the punch balloons in the photo.
(Every time we go camping, the kids LOVE glow sticks, love them!)
You can't go to Craters of the Moon, and not take moon pies! ;)
We are also going to the site of the testing place for the first nuclear reactor, from the 1940's. It is now a museum, and I hear it is really fun for kids, and they get to push buttons and things in the control room. The pics on line look really retro, and I wanted the candy in the little packages to have the same vintage feel.
I got most everything at Cracker Barrel in the gift shop.
Have you seen the gift shop???
They have all their Halloween out already.
I had to control myself!
My daughter's is girly, only because they were out of the fun jaw-breaker suckers in the multi-color kind, and I had to get pink. The glittery tulle and tinsel ribbon are both from Hobby Lobby.

I hope this kit will make this trip even more memorable for the kids.
They will probably say when they are older... "My mom was nuts! She used to give us these themed packages whenever we would go anywhere. I don't know why she did that!"
I hope they will see a moon pie, and remember traveling to Craters of the Moon as a family, in 2011.
Have a Happy and Creative Day!

Risa, when they grow up, they will say, "My mom was so cool for all the things she put together/did for us". You are amazing! Thanks for sharing your great ideas.
How creative!!! They will love it!!
My goodness will you just plan my next family trip. Where do you come up with these ideas. I love them.
That is so fun!! What a great Mom!:)
Love it! And so will your kiddlets. Enjoy a d be safe!
That is where I am from -- I was raised on a farm just north of Arco and worked for the DOE during the summers -- it is a beautiful place...
They will love you for the way you make such fun memories for them everyday of their lives! These are very cute travel packages...are you making astronaut outfits for them to wear, too?
This is such a cute idea and I bet the kids will think, "what a fun mom" when they grow up! I love the fuzzy twist tie you packaged them in too.
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