Again... I wanted to say a big
THANK YOU to Studio 5!
I always have so much fun when I come on the show, and learn so much! Brooke and Darin are so great, as well Mindy and Stephanie my producers. I even love Jim the camera guy, and the cute little lady who helped me set up today. I can't remember your name - sorry. Thank you Studio 5, you are the best!!!
Here's my clip from today. I hope you like it!
I also want to say THANK YOU to my followers, and friends (you know who you are, and thank you) and family who are so supportive of my blog! Mom, I couldn't do it without your help in watching the kids (especially baby), when I am needing to work on projects, or go on the show. You're the best! Thanks also to a nice husband and kids who put up with the work, time, and mess that goes into creating a segment. I am the luckiest girl in the whole wide world!
I am just feeling so thankful to have such great and supportive people in my life.
Without you, my blog would be pointless. Thank you!
Have a Happy and Creative Day!
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