SEW... my cute friend got called to the Enrichment Leader in my ward with short notice before the next activity, which also happened to be a big one - the Birthday celebration. I asked what I could do, and offered to do the tables and the decor. She gladly accepted my offer. I saw this idea on a blog a while ago, and wanted to do something similar, but never had the chance until now. You can see the blog HERE. You can also visit my pinterest board for more sewing inspiration.
I felt the whole night turned out SEW cute!
Here are a few shots:
Michelle's husband made the pattern apron. I don't know if he wants me to say that!
Toni got the vintage quilt at an Estate sale for like $20!!! I know - right?!?
This is the invitation. I designed it in picasa.

Here are the tables. I found cute gingham fabric at Wal-mart for $1.50 a yard... you read it right, $1.50 a yard. Sew, I made 8 table cloths on four colors; dark pink, light pink, navy, and a deep yellow. If you have read my blog very often, you know I LOVE gingham! See the banner in the background on the piano? I stapled it together last minute.
I knew I wanted something cute and inexpensive for the center pieces, and I found it. I got a pattern for $.25 at the DI, and made pattern flowers. It actually went pretty fast as I was able to cut a lot of layers at the same time.
This is how my kitchen looked before.
Here's the food. Wasn't it pretty? It was delicious as well! Chicken salad sandwiches, simple Caesar salad, fruit, and cupcakes for dessert. They were in with the decorations. Did you see them? Do you see the patterns under the food on the tables? ;)
Have a Happy and Creative Day!
What an amazing effort!! LOVED the creativity!! Very nice job Risa & friends
You are amazing, next time call me we'll cut and do all the little tedious stuff together it will be great fun
I am hoping for the recipe to the chex mix and whatever was on top of all the fruit- it was so good!!!
Thanks for sharing your ideas! Everything looks wonderful. Would it be possible to get a copy of your invitation, where we could change the information to our ward?
Thanks, Cheryl
Hi Cheryl,
Unfortunately, I got a new computer, and lost everything on my old one, including this invitation. You are welcome to put a white block over my ward info, and add your own text. You can right or double click the image. Save to your computer, and print. It is 4x6. Good luck. I would love to see pictures!
I am missing the service part. Did you guys make aprons for yourself, someone else, or did I miss the point altogether? I LOVE this idea and really want to use it in our RS. Thanks for answering!!!
Holly, I am so sorry it took me so long to get back to you. I don't remember what we did, because I wasn't in charge of it. I will do some checking, and get back to you.
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